April 14 2019

Liquid Is Your NA LCS Champion


Today, we witnessed one of best comebacks in the history of League Of Legends as Liquid won the LCS Spring Split 2019 against Team SoloMid.

Game 1

The first match of the series started with an interesting pick from Nicolaj “Jensen” who played Heimerdinger in the mid lane. From early to the mid-game both teams had a hard time to get the lead. Team Liquid did get an upper hand in taking map control as they got the majority of the towers.  Yet, the couldn’t stop TSM from getting the first win Baron of the game. Doublelift, who is known for his exceptional performances, did make a mistake at the 35-minute mark. As he was caught in no man’s land and TSM got an easy kill. After that, the side got the Elder Dragon and Baron to close the first game with a 1-0 lead.

Game 2

The second match of the final was an absolute thriller. The picks were quite surprising since Bjergsen pick Lux CoreJJ got Zyra. From the first to the last team just couldn’t be separated. Both teams preferred to take on team fights rather than farm the map. Liquid was more aggressive as compared to TSM since their draft was not quite good for the late game. Nonetheless, TSM managed to push the game and Broken Blade was absolutely brilliant in the last fights. They got the map objectives and kills to lead the final 2-0. Now TSM was just one game away from victory.

Game 3

This match could have been the last game of the final, yet Liquid had other plans. In the early game, the side outplayed TSM in the top and bottom lanes. Impact’s Gangplank pick was not contested by Broken Blade’s Vladimir pick. As we got into the mid-game, Team Liquid was absolutely flawless in its strategy. They got the Early Dragon and Baron to dominate the game-winning team fight. Now the series was 2-1.

Game 4

This match was incredibly one-sided from start to finish. Impact and Doublelift were able to get several kills on the board to completely demolish TSM in the early game. TSM to make few plays to change the fate of the game, but Liquid bullied the American side. The game ended with a 10k Gold lead for Liquid and an astonishing 15-3 scorelines. Now with series leveled at 2-2 all eyes were on the last game of the grand finale.

Game 5

We believe that the most entertaining match of the series was this one. Since any team could have won it. From early to mid game TSM rose from the ashes. They controlled the map and objectives. They even managed to get the double-Infernal buff to apply pressure on Liquid. Yet TL coped well under the pressure and came out all guns blazing in the late game.

TSM’s Zven was caught off guard which led to a Baron kill for Liquid. After that, the team went all in to make an exceptional comeback and win the finale 3-2.

Related: Here’s What Is Happening In Major LoL Leagues Across The World


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